earlier this year i went from full time to part time at work and i promised myself that until i figured out what i want to do next i'd draw on a daily basis.
of course, that did not happen. i immediately developed a full blown artist block and didn't even turn on the computer for about 3 weeks.
i'm still not over it but i'm starting to get back into drawing. here are the pics i did since my last post:
for battle artist:
1) cowboy dandy
2) rhino, water, scepterfor "shirbut shabat"
1) mythology
2) redrawing of a pic from 2005
3) a great event of 2013 - end of breaking bad. one day i'll do a tribute more worthy of the show.
for "jogees" - small to big
imaginary realms
Jack frost
the skillful huntsman
skratchjams OC challenges
daily hero - vampire, male, ice, mage, range.
and homework for a new character design course on schoolism. cowboy.
this is it so far. im hoping to make a lot more this year.